The BMA is the independent financial services regulator for Bermuda. We make rules and regulations for local financial services companies that require them to run their businesses responsibly, and can take action to deal with firms that don’t comply with those regulations.
The BMA was founded in 1969 by an Act of Parliament, operates independently from the Bermuda Government, and is funded totally by the fees we charge to the companies we regulate. The companies we regulate include Bermuda’s banks, trust companies, investment businesses, investment funds, fund administrators, digital asset businesses, money service businesses, corporate service providers and insurance companies, as well as the Bermuda Stock Exchange and Bermuda Credit Union.
The Authority’s goal is to support overall stability in the Bermuda market and make sure business is conducted prudently here. Ultimately our responsibilities aim to protect Bermuda’s reputation, and the local depositors, policyholders and investors who use financial services in Bermuda.
We contribute to Bermuda’s financial stability, protect customers of financial services and protect Bermuda’s currency through: